Tuesday 13 December 2011

Christmas Shopping

Top: H&M
Leggings: Topshop
Coat: Monsoon
Scarf: H&M
Bag: A present from my grandparents a couple of years back

Christmas Shopping goodies!

Hey. So, to anyone who's reading this, my name is Katie and this is my first post (to state the obvious!) I've thought long and hard over how I would 'introduce' myself on here. I quite liked the idea of jumping straight into something, creating this post like we're old friends, in mid conversation.. So, today I went into town to do some Christmas shopping, something which I adore. I love getting gifts for people, whether that be homemade or shop bought. In fact, this year I have a couple of nifty homemade gift ideas, one for my brother (using the lego mini-figure in the picture above) and another for my friends. I'll keep you posted!

Katie x